Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Info 563 Case Preparation: 1-888-JUNK-VAN

Problem/Issue Statement

-          Problem: Information handling errors were pervasive

o   Clerks accidentally sent the wrong version of the database to the morning operator, and as a result some jobs that were already booked no longer showed in the database
o   Some did not make their way onto the spreadsheets used by the drivers
o   Fixing the database was extremely time-consuming
o   While fixing the database, no new reservation could be taken as there was only one live copy

Situation Assessments

-          Situation Assessments

o   Drivers relied on instructions delivered through an e-mail system, and when this information was incomplete or incorrect, customers suffered the consequences
o   Essential to design a system of information flow that improved the quality of day-to-day operations

-          Criteria

o   Needed a central database
o    Internal information should no long be transmitted by email
o   Database should be accessible remotely since everybody would be working on it simultaneously from different locations
o   E-mails to customers to be sent automatically from the system in order to avoid mistakes and the resulting delays
o   Cost :

§  Business was too small to justify hiring a dedicated IT worker
§  Solution had to be easy to implement and operate

Evaluation of Alternatives

-          Alternatives

o   Microsoft Access Database

§  Relatively short time and on a small budget
§  Installed on a centralized server to be accessed remotely through internet and VPN

·         Not allow remote access, and so each instance of the database would have to be updated manually, everyday
·         Require to delve into significant amount of technical information
·         Might require user licenses
·         Costs of hosting the shared server
·         Required professional development assistance

o   Custom Application

§  Web-based system, meets the requirements of a central database and provide remote access

·         $2000 upfront price but did not provide for any changes or adjustments that might be required
·         No way to predict how much maintenance would be needed
·         Custom-made software simply could not be seen beforehand

o   Google Docs

§  Work simultaneously on the same file
§  Set different user profiles
§  E-mail distribution was also supported
§  Free up to 10 user accounts and cheap for small business users

·         Can’t be cross referenced in the way it usually is in relational databases
·         Lack of formal customer support
·         Users did not own the tools and resources used to store sensitive company data

o   Platform as a Service

§  Through Internet
§  Users could utilize common applications
§  Build their own unique applications
§  Different providers had slightly different offers
§  Easily built forms and connected tables
§  Long-term contracts were not required
§  Scale the service up or down at any point, or cancel the service with one month’s notice
§  On-site Trial

o   Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System

§  Built around central database
§  Accessible remotely
§  Integrate business process by covering every aspect of the business

·         Very costly


-          Quality recommendation

o   Custom Application
o   PAAS
o   ERP System

-          Logical recommendation

o   Considering Kinko’s criteria I believe going with the PAAS is the most Logical recommendation.

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