Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Info 563 Case Reflection: 1-888-JUNK-VAN

Girl Friend: What you writing about?

Robert: About this company called Kinko that is having huge problem.

Girl Friend: What kind of problem?

Robert: Well, they were having problems with information handling and kept on getting errors that is leading them to lose customers.

Girl Friend: So why don’t they just make or buy some system that improves their process?

Robert: Well that’s what this whole case study is about. Kinko is trying to choose from different alternatives that would meet their criteria and make their system better.

Girl Friend: What are the criteria?

Robert: Well I believe first thing is cost. Since they are a small business compared to the large companies you know, they need something that fits their budget. After that, they need technological things like central database, remote access to database, automatic e-mail sending system to customers, and etc.

Girl Friend: Hold up…. I lost you after cost. But since you have all this criteria, how are you going to know what to buy or make?

Robert: Well we already have few options like using Microsoft Access Database, Google Doc, Custom Application, Google Docs, ERP, and PAAS. Right now I’m just going over the pros and cons for each options.

Girl Friend: So which one is winning?

Robert: Well so far, my classmates and I have decided that PAAS is probably the best option for Kinko. PAAS is similar to Google Docs in that it was delivered on a cloud-computing infrastructure. PAAS has different providers, which gives Kinko an option to choose. On top of that, PAAS can be used through internet, users can utilize common applications, build their own unique applications, and other great stuff. The best thing is, PAAS has no long-term contracts and have an on-site trial that Kinko can try. It’s also not that expensive. Something defiantly Kinko can afford.

                I think I just convinced myself that PAAS is the only option for Kinko. I think as C-level, I have made my mind to stick with PAAS and going to actually use this conversation to write about my blog.

Girl Friend: I have no idea what you are talking about. I think you spend too much time blogging. Well Good Luck.  

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