Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tools: IPad 2

Ipad 2 is one of those products that I would recommend to anyone. Ever since I received my Ipad 2 from Montclair State University to use it as a tool for school, it has made a difference in my life. I was actually expecting that Ipad 2 would be one of those gadgets that I would experiment with for a month or two and get sick of it. Surprisingly, I have been using Ipad 2 for almost everything.

-          School:

o   Use as textbook
o   Use to check blackboard
o   Emails
o   Browse information
o   Find internships

-          Social:

o   Chat with people
o   Facebook
o   Groupon and Living social
o   Facetime

-          Personal:

o   Netflix
o   Cooking Recipes
o   Directions
o   Games
o   Pandora

These are just few of many things that I use my Ipad for. Sometimes it surprises me how technology has advanced. It’s simple, easy, light… it’s perfect.

*For Ipad users: Did you know if you slide 4 fingers across the screen, it will take you to the previous program you were using?

Preview of our future?

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