Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Info 563 Case Preparation: Procter and Gamble

Problem/Issue Statement

Problem: oft-cited claim that, for the average prescription drug, each day of delay in market entry for the product costs the sponsor roughly $1 million in lost sales.

-          P&G , like most other pharmaceutical firms, had relied upon paper-based methods for collecting this information

-          May 2001, six pilot trials using Web-enabled electronic data capture, a new technology for collecting trial data from investigator sites

-          EDC’s ultimate costs and benefits of this technology is uncertain

Situation Assessments

o   Questions:

§  Could the use of a technology like EDC really add value to the clinical trials process

§  If EDC technology was to adopted, where would the business value come from

§  How would the process changes brought on by the use of EDC play out among the relationships within P&G, and between the company and the investigative sites upon which it relied for the success of its trials

List of Plausible Alternative Courses of Action

-          Improving the Paper-Based Process

o   Adjustments to the paper based system

§  Use of express mail shipments from the sites on a daily basis and increased staffing to perform site monitoring and source-data verification more rapidly

§  Paper-Based Process has its limits

-          Digital Imaging

o   Similar system as Paper-Based Process

o   Digitally received and stored by the system

o   Double-entry process, clerks used a split screen with the document image on one side and the data entry form on the other.

o   Problems:

§  IRIS did little to mitigate the delay and workload involved in data entry and error checking

§  Transmission of these images to users around the company was vastly improved

§  Takes quite a bit of memory and capacity

-          Web-Enabled EDC

o   Allowed data to be entered into the data management system directly by the investigative sites

o   Records were immediately available to the sponsor for the purposes of monitoring the trail and conducting preliminary analyses on blinded data

o   No Double entry of data was required

o   Identify discrepant records and notify site investigators of the need to address data or patient issues


-          Web Enabled EDC

o   Software did not reside at the investigative site, thereby reducing the need for sponsor-provided, onsite support

o   Navigation through a Web interface was less burdensome for the sites than learning the proprietary software used in PC-based system

o   Internet is something that site investigators and coordinators were familiar with

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