Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Info 563 Case Preparation: 1-888-JUNK-VAN

Problem/Issue Statement

-          Problem: Information handling errors were pervasive

o   Clerks accidentally sent the wrong version of the database to the morning operator, and as a result some jobs that were already booked no longer showed in the database
o   Some did not make their way onto the spreadsheets used by the drivers
o   Fixing the database was extremely time-consuming
o   While fixing the database, no new reservation could be taken as there was only one live copy

Situation Assessments

-          Situation Assessments

o   Drivers relied on instructions delivered through an e-mail system, and when this information was incomplete or incorrect, customers suffered the consequences
o   Essential to design a system of information flow that improved the quality of day-to-day operations

-          Criteria

o   Needed a central database
o    Internal information should no long be transmitted by email
o   Database should be accessible remotely since everybody would be working on it simultaneously from different locations
o   E-mails to customers to be sent automatically from the system in order to avoid mistakes and the resulting delays
o   Cost :

§  Business was too small to justify hiring a dedicated IT worker
§  Solution had to be easy to implement and operate

Evaluation of Alternatives

-          Alternatives

o   Microsoft Access Database

§  Relatively short time and on a small budget
§  Installed on a centralized server to be accessed remotely through internet and VPN

·         Not allow remote access, and so each instance of the database would have to be updated manually, everyday
·         Require to delve into significant amount of technical information
·         Might require user licenses
·         Costs of hosting the shared server
·         Required professional development assistance

o   Custom Application

§  Web-based system, meets the requirements of a central database and provide remote access

·         $2000 upfront price but did not provide for any changes or adjustments that might be required
·         No way to predict how much maintenance would be needed
·         Custom-made software simply could not be seen beforehand

o   Google Docs

§  Work simultaneously on the same file
§  Set different user profiles
§  E-mail distribution was also supported
§  Free up to 10 user accounts and cheap for small business users

·         Can’t be cross referenced in the way it usually is in relational databases
·         Lack of formal customer support
·         Users did not own the tools and resources used to store sensitive company data

o   Platform as a Service

§  Through Internet
§  Users could utilize common applications
§  Build their own unique applications
§  Different providers had slightly different offers
§  Easily built forms and connected tables
§  Long-term contracts were not required
§  Scale the service up or down at any point, or cancel the service with one month’s notice
§  On-site Trial

o   Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System

§  Built around central database
§  Accessible remotely
§  Integrate business process by covering every aspect of the business

·         Very costly


-          Quality recommendation

o   Custom Application
o   PAAS
o   ERP System

-          Logical recommendation

o   Considering Kinko’s criteria I believe going with the PAAS is the most Logical recommendation.

Tools: Enterprise Resource Planning

What is Enterprise Resource Planning?

-          ERP is business management software that allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business. ERP software integrates all facets of an operation, including development, manufacturing, sales and marketing.

Who uses Enterprise Resource Planning?

-          Primarily used by the business firms to manage their resources in a coordinated way so that there will not be many redundant activities.

Who Vendors Enterprise Resource Planning?

-          Depending on your organization's size and needs there are a number of ERP software vendors to choose from in the large enterprise, midmarket and small business ERP markets.

o   Large Enterprise ERP (ERP Tier I)

§  The ERP market for large enterprises is dominated by three companies: SAP, Oracle and Microsoft.

o   Midmarket ERP (ERP Tier II)

§  For the midmarket vendors include Infor, QAD, Lawson, Epicor, Sage and IFS.

o   Small Business ERP (ERP Tier III)

§  Exact Globe, Syspro, NetSuite, Visibility, Consona, CDC Software and Activant Solutions round out the ERP vendors for small businesses.

What are the benefits of Enterprise Resource Planning?

-          At its core, ERP helps employees do their jobs more efficiently by breaking down barriers between business units. More specifically, an ERP solution:

o   Gives a global, real-time view of data that can enable companies to address concerns proactively and drive improvements

o   Improves financial compliance with regulatory standards and reduces risk

o   Automates core business operations such as lead-to-cash, order-to-fulfillment, and procure-to-pay processes

o   Enhances customer service by providing one source for billing and relationship tracking.

How can ERP Projects fail?

-          Under-estimating the complexity of planning, development, training
-          Failure to involve affected employees in planning and development
-          Trying to do too much too fast
-          Insufficient training
-          Insufficient data conversion and testing
-          Over-reliance on ERP vendor or consultants

Info 563 Case Reflection: Procter and Gamble

Before deciding to move forward with Web-Enabled EDC, I would like to share an article about a famous corporation that failed to see the future’s technology.

Quotes from the article:

-          Kodak did not fail because it missed the digital age. It actually invented the first digital camera in 1975. However, instead of marketing the new technology, the company held back for fear of hurting its lucrative film business, even after digital products were reshaping the market.

-          Unfortunately, the company had the nearsighted view that it was in the film business instead of the story telling business, and it believed that it could protect its massive share of market with its marketing. Kodak thought that its new digital technology would cannibalize its film business. Sony and Canon saw an opening and charged ahead with their digital cameras. When Kodak decided to get in the game it was too late. The company saw its market share decline, as digital imaging became dominant.

-          This blind faith in marketing’s ability to overcome the threat from the new technology proved fatal. Kodak failed to adapt to a new marketplace and new consumer attitudes.

Even though the Kodak situation is not 100% related to P&G’s Case study, it shows the long-term benefits that P&G may gain from the Web-Enabled EDC. D’Alonzo feels confident about recommending a shift toward the technology as the default standard for the company’s future trials based on the results of the pilot trials and his own knowledge of how Web-enabled EDC speeds up the process of trial management. Although D’Alonzo is worried about other pharmaceutical companies’ slowness in adopting the Web-enabled EDC, he still feels correct about EDC.

I believe that D’Alonzo is correct. Even though the costs and benefits of the technology Web-enabled EDC is uncertain, I believe that this technology would benefit P&G in long term, or at least, it will put them on a higher standard compared to other pharmaceutical companies.

Info 563 Case Preparation: Procter and Gamble

Problem/Issue Statement

Problem: oft-cited claim that, for the average prescription drug, each day of delay in market entry for the product costs the sponsor roughly $1 million in lost sales.

-          P&G , like most other pharmaceutical firms, had relied upon paper-based methods for collecting this information

-          May 2001, six pilot trials using Web-enabled electronic data capture, a new technology for collecting trial data from investigator sites

-          EDC’s ultimate costs and benefits of this technology is uncertain

Situation Assessments

o   Questions:

§  Could the use of a technology like EDC really add value to the clinical trials process

§  If EDC technology was to adopted, where would the business value come from

§  How would the process changes brought on by the use of EDC play out among the relationships within P&G, and between the company and the investigative sites upon which it relied for the success of its trials

List of Plausible Alternative Courses of Action

-          Improving the Paper-Based Process

o   Adjustments to the paper based system

§  Use of express mail shipments from the sites on a daily basis and increased staffing to perform site monitoring and source-data verification more rapidly

§  Paper-Based Process has its limits

-          Digital Imaging

o   Similar system as Paper-Based Process

o   Digitally received and stored by the system

o   Double-entry process, clerks used a split screen with the document image on one side and the data entry form on the other.

o   Problems:

§  IRIS did little to mitigate the delay and workload involved in data entry and error checking

§  Transmission of these images to users around the company was vastly improved

§  Takes quite a bit of memory and capacity

-          Web-Enabled EDC

o   Allowed data to be entered into the data management system directly by the investigative sites

o   Records were immediately available to the sponsor for the purposes of monitoring the trail and conducting preliminary analyses on blinded data

o   No Double entry of data was required

o   Identify discrepant records and notify site investigators of the need to address data or patient issues


-          Web Enabled EDC

o   Software did not reside at the investigative site, thereby reducing the need for sponsor-provided, onsite support

o   Navigation through a Web interface was less burdensome for the sites than learning the proprietary software used in PC-based system

o   Internet is something that site investigators and coordinators were familiar with

Thursday, June 21, 2012

25 Reasons why Anurag Bansal like Ubuntu
1.       Ubuntu is Free and so any other Linux distro. (Saved ~ $250)
2.       You don’t have to buy Office (Word, Power-point, Excel etc.) separately. It comes with OpenOffice preinstalled. (Saved ~ $200)
3.       You don’t have to buy costly hardwares for the basic need. (RAM. Processor, HDD etc.)
4.       Ubuntu is more stable.
5.       You are free from Viruses so you don’t have to buy another upgrade of Norton or any other Antivirus software. (Saved ~ $75)
6.       When you have installed Ubuntu, you don’t have to install anything else to get you started with your productivity.
7.       You don’t have to wait for years for the bugs to get fixed. You can track them down in Ubuntu.
8.       You can update everything on your system with just one update manager. No need to run separate Update manger for all the softwares you installed. (Saves your system resources.)
9.       Don’t get tired restarting your computer all the time. You do it almost never with Ubuntu.
10.   You are free from Pirated softwares. With Ubuntu you can share it with as many people as you want and it is LEGAL.
11.   Don’t have to bother searching the web for new softwares. Ubuntu gets a whole lot of software free of cost to you.
12.   Play hundreds of games for Free.
13.   Your PC won’t get slower day by day. It happens in Windows only.
14.   Use MSN, AIM, ICQ, Jabber, Gtalk, Yahoo and many more with a single program. No need to install separate software for the same thing.
15.   Tired of managing multiple windows on your screen. You can use workspaces to manage your work.
16.   You old computer will get a second life. Because Ubuntu does not need those high resources as Windows.
17.   Jump into the next generation of desktop themes with Compiz fusion and all with lot less resources than Windows Vista.
18.   With Ubuntu, you are always free. Free as in Freedom and in Free Beer. Ubuntu is free and will always remain free. (Saves ~ $200 every 2 years when Microsoft releases a new version of its operating system and you have to buy it.
19.   All future upgrades of Ubuntu are provided free of cost. Upgrades are released every 6 months.
20.   Upgrades are installed automatically. You don’t have to bother about losing your data and redoing lots of personalization. *Edit* The updates are installed with your permission and only if you want them…not in the background without you knowing it. – Thanks freeber – A Ubuntu User
21.   You can tweak your desktop wallpaper or any other setting the way you want it. You can make it look like Windows or Mac (if you want.). You can even get the sidebar you were fascinated in Vista.
22.   You don’t have to defrag your hard disk every now and then to boost the performance. Ubuntu does it for you automatically.
23.   You don’t have to go to a shop to buy operating system. You can download it anytime you want it and burn it on a CD. You can even burn it on a re-writable CD to save some CDs.
24.   Thousand of user are there to help you with when you are stuck. Become a part of Ubuntuforums.
25.   You will get free and Long Term Support (LTS) for Ubuntu. Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop version also will get a LTS. (17 days to go for the release version.)

Reasons to still use Window over Ubuntu:
1.       Old habits are hard to kill
2.       Corporations require employees to be proficient in Microsoft Office.
3.       Window has been around for years and years already. I believe that proves the stability of Microsoft Windows. While some argue that Ubuntu is more stable, this does not guarantee its long-term stability.
4.       Although Windows sometimes gets slower, there is no guarantee that Ubuntu won’t slow down. Even Mac slows down.
5.       Ubuntu offers many interesting things for consumers, but Windows offers free downloadable programs that perform the same functions.
6.       Ubuntu says they provide a forum of experts to help customers. However, reading may be tedious. Phone conversations would prove to be a better way to communicate questions and problems.
7.       If consumers really care about the desktop theme, they would have already bought a Mac that looks clean and simple.

-          I feel that Ubuntu is creative and has a marketing strategy of being cost effective. But in my opinion, I still feel that Ubuntu still needs something more to get people’s attention.